NOTES FROM THE ECOMMERCE EXPERTS... Making your online store more profitable
Omni-Channel retailing
A message from our CEO, Steve Moen
Retail's word of the year
Every year, the Oxford English Dictionary adds a multitude of new words to its collection, raising the count to more than 600,000 to date. This year, ‘selfie’ was dubbed as the word of the year, beating out a whole slew of contenders. If it were up to the retail industry, however, 'omni-channel' should have been the word to define 2013. Although consumers might not be privy to the term, merchants can't seem to escape it.
The pillars of omni-channel retailing
Omni-channel retailing means different things to different people. To better understand what omni-channel retailing entails, the team at NetSphere Strategies built a list of the key elements that we consider as its foundation.
Creating a successful website requires a strategically driven effort. It also requires a holistic understanding of technology, UI/UX, marketing and analytics.
To enable retailers to offer omni-channel selling, IBM’s Websphere Commerce and its Sterling Selling and Fulfillment Suite V9.2.1 are helping enterprises ramp up their business operations with improved integration.
In today’s omni-channel environment, there are so many different buyer types coming in. One of the common themes facing retailers, however, is that there’s often a separation of inventory for in-store versus online.